Marriage and children |
Helena Chatarina Jonsdotter.
Born 1817 25/1 in Skattegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E). [19]
Baptized 1817 26/1 in Vårdnäs (E). [19]
Flyttade 17years old, 1834 from Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E) to Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [20]
Moved hemifrån till 1/2 mtl 1834 from Skattegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E) to Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [21]
Moved med man och två barn 1844 from Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E) to Skattegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E). [3]
Moved 1850 from Skattegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E) to Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [4]
Died of chestpain.
Died 65years of age 1882 18/10 in Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [22]
Estate inventory:
1883 the 4th of January the undersigner of this dokument went to
Sätra Wårdnäs to make an inventory of the estate after
Lena Carin Jonsdotter dead on the 18th of October last year. Surviving
relatives Estateowner Samuel Larsson and their 7 children:
The sons Samuel August in Sätra, Carl-Otto in
Dahlshult, Wist socken and the daughter Anna-Stina married to
Anders Magnus Petersson
in Föltorp, Grebo parish,
and staying in Nothern America sons, Lars Johan, Per Alfred,
Erik Oskar
and the daughter Lena Sofia, all of age, the three first mentioned present.
The right of the absent was watch by
J C Johansson in Sätra who was present.
Amount of assets, 4210:60 RDR
Amount of debt, 1457:79 RDR
Yield, 2752:81 RDR
Samuel Larsson certify that this inventory is correct.
The document signed by the present heiress; S. A. Samuelsson, C. O.
Samuelsson, A.M. Petersson, J. C. Johansson signes for the absent heiress .
Boupptecknare och värderingsmän Johan Samuelsson,
Jan Eriksson.
Married 1834 20/6 in Vårdnäs (E) [23]
Was married the son to the holder of horseman equipment
in Sätra and the
farmers doughter Lena Cajsa Jonsdotter from Tråstorp. He 25 1/12 and She 17 years of
age.Her father
the taxpaying farmer Jonas Andersson, gave
his written permission to the marriage.
Anna Christina Samuelsdotter.
Born 1836 18/8 in Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [24]
Baptized 1836 21/8 in Vårdnäs (E). [24]
Moved med föräldrarna och ett syskon 1844 from Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E) to Skattegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E). [3]
Moved 1850 from Skattegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E) to Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [4]
Moved 1858 from Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E) to Föltorp, Grebo (E). [25]
Died som Anna Kristina Petersson 1903 5/9 in Föltorp, Grebo (E). [26]
Buried 1905 10/9 in Grebo (E). [27]
Lars Johan Samuelsson.
Born 1839 23/4 in Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [28]
Baptized 1839 26/4 in Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [28]
The churchrecord for births C:4 1839 April
Lars Johan. Son of Farmer Samuel Larsson and his Wife Lena Cajsa Jonsdotter in Sätra 22
years of age.
Witnesses; Farmer Johan Svensson and wife Anna Maja Jonsdotter in Sätra. Farmhand Eric
Larsson, Maid Anna Maja Persdotter in Sätra.
Moved with his parents and one sibbling 1844 from Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E) to Skattegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E). [3]
Moved 1850 from Skattegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E) to Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [4]
Moved 1855 from Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E) to Koppetorp, Bestorp, Vårdnäs (E). [29]
Moved 1856 from Koppetorp, Bestorp, Vårdnäs (E) to Frälsegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E). [30]
Moved 1858 from Frälsegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E) to Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [31]
Moved later on for a while 1867 to Vist (E).
Moved 29 years of age with his wife 1868 30/4 from Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E) to Rochelle, Ogle, IL, USA. [32]
Moved 1872 from Rochelle, Ogle, IL, USA to Saronville, Clay, NE, USA.
Died sunday morning 1904 1/5 in Lewis Township, Clay, Nebraska, USA.
Buried 1904 3/5 in Saronville Meth., Saronville, Clay, NE, USA. [33]
In Saronsville Lars and his family was member of the Saron
Lutheran Church founded in 1872. Later on he and his brothers joined
the Methodist Episcopal church.
He bought 80acres for 7dollars per acres from the
Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company in Nebraska. At his death
he owned a total of 200acres in section 8,9 and 17 in Lewis, Clay Co,
Ne. This land was close to the land his brothers owned.
According to Census 1900 he was able to read, write and talk
Samuel Gustaf Samuelsson.
Born 1844 4/7 in Vårdnäs (E). [3]
Died 1845 ../.. in Skattegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E). [3]
Samuel August Samuelsson.
Born 1846 27/1 in Skattegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E). [34]
Baptized 1846 29/1 in Skattegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E). [34]
Födelseboken C:4 Vårdnäs Samuel August
At his birth his mother was 29year of age. Witnesses at the baptism
was Farmer Nils Persson
and wife Lena Catharina Svensdotter from Tråstorp.
Farmhand Petter Jonsson,
Maid Carin Larsdotter i
Rented a farm.
Moved 1850 from Skattegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E) to Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [4]
Used the old farm after his father Samuel.
Died 1907 8/7 in Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [35]
Per Alfred Samuelsson.
Born 1849 8/5 in Skattegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E). [36]
Baptized 1849 13/5 in Skattegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E). [37]
At his birth his mother was 32 Years of age.
Moved 1850 from Skattegården, Tråstorp, Vårdnäs (E) to Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [4]
Moved 20år gammal 1869 22/3 from Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E) to USA. [38]
Post 125143
Samuelsson, Per Alfred
Dräng (ogift man)
f. 8/5 1849 i Vårdnäs, Östergötlands län (Östergötland)
Utvandrad 22/3 1869
från Sätra Norrgård, Vårdnäs, Östergötlands län (Östergötland)
till Nordamerika
Källa: Husförhörslängd, s. 485
Emibas emigrationsakt: Vårdnäs E 1869 001
He bought 17th of june 1874 80acres for 7dollars per acres from the
Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company in Nebraska. At his death
he owned a total of 200acres in section 8,9 and 16 in Lewis, Clay Co,
Ne. This land was close to the land his brothers owned.
Moved efter ankomsten till New York 1869 22/4 from New York, Bronx, New York, USA to DeKalb, DeKalb, ILL, USA. [39]
Died 1908 28/5 in Hastings, Adams, NE, USA.
Buried in Saronville Meth., Saronville, Clay, NE, USA. [33]
Lena Sofia Samuelsdotter.
Born 1851 7/9 in Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [40]
Baptized 1851 9/9 in Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [41]
At her birth the mother was 34 years of age.
Moved as maid 20 years of age 1870 from Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E) to Sätra Mellangård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [32]
Moved back home 1871 from Sätra Mellangård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E) to Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [42]
Moved 23 years of age married 1874 18/5 from Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E) to Nykil (E). [43]
Moved with her husband Johan Alfred 1876 27/3 from Ullstorp Ödegård, Ullstorp, Nykil (E) to Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [44]
Emigrated 27 years of age, after her son died 1878 27/9 from Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E) to Göteborg. [45]
Moved 1878 27/9 from Göteborg to Sutton, Clay, NE, USA. [46]
Ålder: 27 Kön: K
Född: 1850/1851
Församling: VÅRDSNÄS Län: E
Utresehamn: GÖTEBORG
Utvandrdag: 1878 10 04
Destination: SUTTON
Medåkande: NEJ
Källkod: 12:531:5004
She travelled from Gothenburg the 4th of Oct 1878. She had bought a
ticket for Sutton. She emigrated after her son had died. She used the
name Samuelsson. At the same time a first cousin to her, Samel August Eriksson travelled to
Sutton. He was son of Erik Larsson, a brother to Samuel Larsson Lena Sofia´s father.
Moved from Sutton, Clay, NE, USA to Redlands, San Bernadino, CA, USA. [47]
Died 1936 17/2 in Bakersfield, Kerk, CA, USA. [47]
Buried 1936 ../2 in Union Cemetary, Bakersfield, Kern, California, USA. [47]
Carl Otto Samuelsson.
Born 1854 29/6 in Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [48]
Baptized 1854 30/6 in Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [49]
Modern var enligt födelseboken 37år gammal vid födelsen
Tog enligt notering i husförhörslängden A1:19B 1876-1881 P478 Vårdnäs, ut "Arbetsbok
1876 17/3".
Står i Församlingsboken AII:3 (1916-1927) sid 221 som ägare till Öijeby N:1 vestergården 1/2,
N:2 Mellangården 1/2 och N:3 Uppgården 1/2 hemman Skatte. Han anges som "Bonde i
Dalshult Vist församling"
Bought 1916 14/3 to Öjeby Gård, Öjeby, Askeby (E).
Died 79år gammal 1932 18/8 in Dalshult, Vist (E). [50]
Buried 1932 23/8 in Vist kyrka, Vist (E).
Erick Oskar Samuelsson.
Born 1857 20/11 in Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [51]
Baptized 1857 22/11 in Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [51]
The book of births in Vårdnäs parish Year 1857. The Farmer Samuel Larsson and his wife
Lena Catharina Jonsdotter 40years of age. Witnesses: The Farmer Peter Jonsson and his
wife Anna Stina Danielsdotter in Tråstorp and The Farmhand Samuel Persson and the Maid
Charlotta Jonsdotter in Sätra.
Moved 22år gammal 1879 2/5 from Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E) to USA. [52]
Died 1928 14/7 in Saronville, Clay, NE, USA. [53]
Buried in Saronville Meth., Saronville, Clay, NE, USA. [33]
At his death he
leaves 9 grandchildren.
he owned a total of 120acres in section 16 and 17 in Lewis, Clay Co
Ne. This land was close to the land his brothers owned.
Was found together with his brothers Lars and Alfred in the
census for 1880 in Lewis Precinct, Clay Co, Nebraska. He is
said to be brother and farmer.
Year 1900 he worked on his own farm. He was able to read
and write and talk english.
He is 1910 still working on his own farm.
Tog enligt notering i husförhörslängden A1:19B 1876-1881 P478 Vårdnäs, ut "Arbetsbok
1876 17/3"
Obituary 1928-07-14
Erick Oscar Samuelson was born in' Varnas, Sattra, Ostergotland; Sweden, Nov. 20, 1857
died at his home in Saronville, Nebr., July 14, 1928 aged 70 years,, 7 months and 24 days. Mr.
Samuelson came to America, to Clay county, Nebr. In the year 1879 and has lived here ever
Mr. Samuelson united in marriage with Miss Lovisa Ost, Febr. 13, 1885. This union was
blessed with five children of whom one died in infancy. ,
Brother Samuelson leaves a devoted wife,: three daughters, Mrs. W. C. Swenson of Lincoln,
Mrs Albert Holms of Saronville, Mrs. Emil Ber-kvist of Omaha, one son, Mr. Leneus
of Saronville, nine grandchildren, one brother, Mr. Otto Samuelson of Sweden, one sister, Mrs.
Peter Olson in California and many other relatives and a host of friends. Brother Samuelson
was converted to God about thirty-seven years ago and united with the Methodist Episcopal
church of which he'has been a faithful members of all these years.
The funeral service was held at the Methodist church, in charge of the pastor and the remains
were laid tö rest in the Saronville Methodist cemetery.
Anders Wilhelm Samuelsson.
Born 1861 30/5 in Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [54]
Died 1864 4/9 in Sätra Norrgård, Sätra, Vårdnäs (E). [55]